Birthday for bush school

Grade six class in 1963, the opening year of Kangaroo Inn Area School. Front row: Ray Carman, Wayne Bowyer, Wayne Hobby, Robert Norris, David Bateman, Robert Atkinson, Roger Watson. 2nd row: Cheryl Klingberg, Jenny Wright, Wendy Clifford, Annette Cunneen, Christine Varcoe, Leone McEwan, Susan Little, Annette Graffling, Josie Bowman. 3rd row: Ray Schumacher, Ray Nicolls, Dean Hurst, Colin Sutherland, Doug Mc Phail, Terry Mole, Dennis Winter, John Light, John Major, Peter Scudds, David Bellinger. Back row: Wendy Oakley, Joan Boylan, Susan Breaker, Carmel Kirkland, Katherine Hawthorn, Christine Bowyer, Margaret Seears, Teacher Mrs Keen. Pic supplied: Ray Schumacher

Plans are underway for Kangaroo Inn Area School's (KIAS) 60th birthday celebration on September 29. Held the last day of […]

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