Christian comment


We are currently in the midst of changing seasons. It appears the warm and hot summer

weather is behind us (despite it being a mild summer) and it won’t be long before the nights

get cold and many people will be use wood fires to keep their houses warm during these

cooler months. People will soon be looking in their cupboards for winter coats and jackets

to provide warmth, whilst shelving their summer clothes for the foreseeable future. The

days are certainly getting shorter and we even changed our clocks forward an hour over the

weekend just gone. All these things I have just described, comes with the changing of


In the midst of this changing of seasons there is one thing which Christians believe remains

constant. In the Bible we are told in book of Hebrews

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

What exactly does this mean for you? This passage is reassuring all people that Jesus’ love

for them is unchangeable. Jesus will continue to love all people and his sacrificial death on

the cross and resurrection three days later which we celebrated a few weeks ago at Easter,

is permanent. This love from our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive people their sins and mistakes

is not something which comes and goes like the ‘seasons.’ It is a constant presence in the

world for the benefit of all humankind.

So, if your struggling with certain changes in your life, or the changing of seasons, look to

‘Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, and today and forever!’

Pastor Joel Grieger

Lutheran Church, Bordertown and Keith