Goat production at a high

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Goat production is at a high, according to a new report.

The Meat and Livestock Australia’s (MLA) 2024 Global Goat Snapshot has shown that Australian goatmeat production is soaring.

The 2024 Global Goat Snapshot analyses domestic production, supply volumes, pricing, export figures and market access conditions.

According to the report, Australia remained the world’s largest goatmeat exporter, with 2023 also representing the second-highest volume of goatmeat exported ever.

This is partly due to lower prices for goatmeat which supported higher export volumes, although this affected the total export value in 2023, seeing it fall by 10 per cent compared to the record-high year of 2022.

The United States remained the largest market for Australian goatmeat, with volumes more than double those of the second-largest market, mainland China.

While goatmeat is a niche protein with low awareness among the general American public, demand is skewed to the large populations of several ethnic backgrounds including Caribbean and Asian populations and concentrated in specific cities as shown in the Snapshot.

Mainland China surged as the second largest market, followed by South Korea, which continued its rapid growth for the fourth consecutive year.

These markets continued to have a growing appetite for Australian goatmeat, which is a key consideration for MLA’s International Markets teams.

While around 95 per cent of Australian goatmeat is exported, MLA’s Category and Market Insights Analyst Emiliano Diaz said the domestic market also represents a significant market and opportunity, with specific consumer segments driving growth.

“In early 2024 MLA launched the Goat Trail campaign, a consumer-focused campaign that aims to drive awareness of goatmeat on local menus and show consumers where to find and experience it in Sydney,” Mr Diaz said.

“This initiative is capitalising on the opportunity for broader appeal and increased product availability and showcases the versatility and novelty of this underrated protein.”