Funding support helps support others

SUPPORT WELCOMED: Boneham Aged Care registered nurse Megan Lawler and director of care Jo McGregor with the new Carendo mobile hygiene chair partly funded by the Stand Like Stone Foundation grant.

Residents and staff of Boneham Aged Care (BAC) are benefitting from the purchase of an almost $16,000 Carendo mobile hygiene chair made available by a Stand Like Stone Foundation grant of $7260 toward the costs.

The piece of equipment provides a safe and comfortable way for staff to assist residents with mobility issues with daily showering and washing.

BAC director of care, Jo McGregor said the equipment helps support the frailest of residents.

“That is everything from showering and dressing through to their toileting and their hygiene and it also provides support for the staff.

“It helps minimise the amount of manual handling support that is required.

“So the resident gets a huge benefit from it but the staff benefit as well.

“We were really lucky that Stand Like Stone considered our application and provided the grant.

“That kind of grant is hugely valuable to us.”

CEO of BAC, Michael Filsell said: “The support of community owned organisations such as Boneham by the Stand Like Stone Foundation is not only greatly appreciated, but in turn allows us to provide increased care options to benefit dozens of care recipients.

“It is community giving to community.”

Stand Like Stone Foundation CEO Roger Babolka said: “The critical services that Boneham Aged Care provides to the Wattle Range community can’t be underestimated, and as a result the foundation had no hesitation whatsoever in supporting the operation with both the equipment grant and of course the scholarship for their valued employee, Anna-Therese.”