Potters take flight for gallery wall

KEEN POTTERS: Jill Gardiner and Lyn Bowering have around 55 years of Millicent Craft Group membership between them and were both a part of the original bird installation by the Millicent Potters in 2014.

In 2014 the Millicent Potters were asked to create an installation for the void between the Millicent gallery and the Civic and Arts Centre.

Three niches had previously been purposefully built into the wall, in collaboration with ceramist Barbara Wallace, and intended for such a project.

Local potters were approached by Wattle Range Council’s manager libraries and cultural services Janice Nitschke to take on the project.

A celebration of local birds became the theme for the project and several ceramic birds were installed in the space.

Unfortunately, it did not take long before a real magpie attacked its lookalike sculpture and knocked it to the ground.

Sadly neither the sculpture nor the bird survived the encounter.

This Friday night a new exhibition opening will once again celebrate birds of the region and include the unveiling of an updated installation.

Millicent Potters have been working on new birds for the void since November with many trials and tribulations making the project a testing time.

Two of the original potters are still involved with the group and have played an active role in making the new birds.

Each niche will display birds from across the Wattle Range and represent Millicent, Beachport and Penola.

Birds In Flight will be launched Friday, April 5 at 3.30pm, and includes a display of the potters journey in creating the works.

Complementing the launch of the installation is a nature-themed exhibition by members of the wider Millicent Craft Group.