Tenants cook up award winning book

COMMUNITY COOKS: Unity Housing tenant Raekhel Barrett with the award winning community cookbook.

Caroline Hammat

A community cookbook inspired and created by Unity Housing tenants has been a success with many asking for a repeat of the inaugural initiative.

Jacqui Matthews is Unity Housing’s tenant engagement officer and took the opportunity to promote the book at a recent Neighbours Day event held at the Millicent HIgh School.

“Our community cook book was printed in 2023 and edited by one of our tenants Giselle who was the editor for our quarterly Around The House magazine” she said.

“The cookbook showcases tenants who were able to submit recipes and there are stories and photos about the tenants.”

The cookbook, which includes submissions from Millicent and Naracoorte residents, was announced the SA/NT Tenant Led Initiative winner at the 2023 Australasian Housing Institute awards held last September.

It is available to collect free of charge at the Millicent Community Centre, and Naracoorte Services Australia and the Migrant Resource Centre.