Racegoers to put their best foot forward

HATS ON: FOTF organiser Helen Varcoe encourages entrants to dress for the season and to have fun with what they wear to this year's Millicent Cup. Picture: CAROLINE HAMMAT

Caroline Hammat

Organisers are focused on streamlining this year’s Millicent Cup Fashions on the Field (FOTF) event being held at the Glenburnie Racecourse on Sunday May 26.

In an effort to minimise the work involved all categories will take to the stage at the same time.

Helen Varcoe has been involved in the Millicent Cup’s FOTF event for around 15 years and continues to adapt the event and try new formats.

“The committee members and the volunteers get spread pretty thin,” she said.

“So instead of running the categories all separately after each race I’ve decided to run them all together.

“It will be ladies, men, children and millinery but there is no couples category this year.

“We will give it a go this year to see how it pans out but I think it will be less effort for everyone on the day.”

Although everyone will be on the stage at the same time there will be different judges for each category.

No registration will be required with entrants only needing to approach the stage to collect their numbered paddle.

Ms Varcoe said judges are going to be looking for an outstanding outfit that shines.

“It’s more than likely the judges will look for someone who is dressed for the right season and wearing some type of headpiece.

“Headwear is a tradition with the races and that could be a hat, headpiece or a crown.”

This year’s FOTF event takes place immediately after race four and includes a winner and runners-up for ladies, mens, children’s and millinery categories.

All winners will receive a sash with generous local sponsorship supplying vouchers, wine and flowers for prizes.

The ladies winner will also receive a $1,000 cash prize.

Ms Varcoe also said there will likely be a final prize which she will choose.

“I’ll be looking for someone that stands out, not necessarily dressed as a winning entrant, but someone who has put in some effort and is enjoying themselves.”