Volunteers put the kettle on for fundraiser

LUCKY NUMBER: Artist Julie Ann McEwen with the winner of her donated artwork Annette Cameron. Picture: CAROLINE HAMMAT

Caroline Hammat

Last week’s Biggest Morning Tea event held at the Millicent Library has been hailed a success by organiser Wendy Thomson.

“Our numbers on the ground were 60 but we did at least another 20 serves of scones for the council workers.

“When word of mouth got around they were back in again,” she said.

The Cancer Council fundraiser was organised by the library’s Tuesday history volunteers and followed on their inaugural Biggest Morning Tea event held last year.

Ms Thomson said they raised $1201 from the morning which was $400 more than the 2023 event.

“Our patrons were a completely different group to last year, so who knows if they all rocked up together next year it would be huge.”

Those who attended were served scones and a cuppa with many deciding to visit the newly opened exhibition, Rationally Wasted, in the adjoining gallery.

Annette Cameron was announced the raffle winner of an original artwork donated by artist Julie Ann McEwen.