Siteworks demolition underway

SITEWORKS START: The former Millicent Netball Association clubrooms was quickly turned to rubble last week as siteworks for the council's new service centre was underway. Picture: CAROLINE HAMMAT

Caroline Hammat

Mossop Constructions began site work on Wattle Range Council’s (WRC) new $9 million service centre last week with relocatable work huts put in place and temporary fencing installed.

Within two days of being onsite the former Millicent Netball Association clubrooms, built by the association, were demolished.

The brick building was officially opened in 1997 by life member Colleen Laube and was the only infrastructure on the site needing to be removed.

Within 20 years of the opening the building was no longer in use as clubrooms.

For the past few years the building has been used in the lead up to Christmas as an organisational and collection point for the Millicent Combined Churches Christmas Appeal.

Mossop Construction regional manager Craig Williamson previously said the project would take 12 months with up to 50 people working on the build during the project’s peak.