Special day for new Australian Citizens

WELCOME HOME: Mumtahina Setu, S.M Nahid Morshed and their two children celebrated becoming official Australian citizens together during Mount Gambier/Berrin's most recent citizenship ceremony. Pictures: TYLER REDWAY

Tyler Redway

MOUNT Gambier/Berrin’s most recent citizenship ceremony gathered 15 new inductees who were ready to officially call Australia their home.

The ceremony marked a very special occasion for a family of four from Bangladesh, who all received their own official Australian citizenships.

Mumtahina Setu, S.M Nahid Morshed and their two children celebrated becoming official Australian citizens last Thursday after originally moving from Bangladesh to Victoria in 2019.

The family moved to Mount Gambier/Berrin in 2022, which Ms Setu said was a place the family loved due to how quiet it was compared to their first home.

“Before coming here I used to live in a very busy city so I am more used to that kind of life,” Ms Setu said.

“We have been staying in regional Australia and I think I kind of love it because it’s quiet and not too busy.”

Ms Setu said the “welcoming community” of Australia was a major reason for the decision to move in the first place.

Another factor she said appealed to them was the uniform laws and respect citizens had on a general basis

“It can be variable from place to place but as a whole, I think the way the people obey the laws and respect each other is something I find really important to make it a beautiful and welcoming community,” she said.

“The way law is well maintained and how it is uniform for everyone I think is one of the big things I love.

“It’s absolutely an amazing feeling, I think that sort of thing was the reason we decided to move to Australia in the first place.”

Ms Setu said she and her husband’s jobs were helping to contribute to the community and hoped to continue the work for the years to come.

“It feels better to be official but with the way we were working in our field, we were trying to contribute to the community through it so I think that is definitely something we will try and do more of,” she said.

“It’s a very happy day for us and thank you to all who supported us.”

Mr Morshed said he loved to see the country’s multicultural society involved in day-to-day happenings and activities.

“We love to live here where people respect other religions and cultures where everyone is able to express their rights within the law,” Mr Morshed said.