Strategic plan released

STRATEGIC PLAN: District Council of Grant Mayor Kylie Boston and chief executive Darryl Whicker welcome community consultation for the Draft Strategic Plan 2024-2034. Picture: SUPPLIED

Charlotte Varcoe

THE District Council of Grant has released its Draft Strategic Management Plan 2024-2034 for community consultation.

The plan includes a range of topics including community-based projects such as disability access and inclusion plans, Reconciliation Plans and more.

Throughout the Strategic Plan a number of key documents are highlighted including a Community Development Plan, Reconciliation Action Plan, Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, Walking and Cycling Plan and the implementation of the Inner Townships Master Plan.

A number of key projects explained in the document include a strategic road review, community wastewater management scheme review and expansion, green waste improvements and the Local Government Association Net Zero Accelerate program.

Other key topics within the strategic plan are the Mount Gambier and District Saleyards Transformation Project, Mount Gambier Regional Airport expansion, the camping project and other internal council upgrades and strategies.

These include software and technology upgrades, website review and improvement and human resourcing strategy.

District Council of Grant chief executive Darryl Whicker said elected members decided to do a “major overhaul” with councils legislative requirements to be reviewing their strategic plan within two years of a council term.

“With a relatively new council we elected to do a major overhaul and we have come out with five goals comprising four external goals,” Mr Whicker said.

“This includes our community, economy, environment and infrastructure.”

He said there were also internal goals which prioritised financial sustainability and delivering core services and valuing our people.

“Each of these goals are broken down into key focus areas with short term and long term advocacy projects for those issues of concern,” Mr Whicker said.

“From that list of projects several key projects are outlined with each goal.

“The innovation in this lies in our approach to working together with our community.”

He said the plan was formed alongside a number of community representatives from key community groups, businesses, disability support and other key industry representatives by way of a citizens jury.

Mayor Kylie Boston said council worked together to deliver equality services while also maintaining its financial sustainability.

“It was a real pleasure to work with the citizens jury alongside the staff and elected members to be able to come up with this document where we can continue to create environments where we all live, work and play in,” Ms Boston said.

“I think the plan recognises our current strengths and challenges of our community but it also looks and gives them more forward thinking aspirations.”

The Strategic Management Plan 2024-2034 will be open for community consultation on council’s Have Your Say website.