Facing the Dry July challenge

HEALTHY RESET: Fiona Telfer and Selena Smith are prepared to empty their wine glasses for a dry July. Picture: CAROLINE HAMMAT

Caroline Hammat

Two Millicent women are taking on the Dry July challenge and raising money for cancer research and support services.

The annual fundraiser encourages participants to go alcohol-free for a month and raise funds for people affected by cancer.

For Selena Smith, it is her third Dry July challenge and she has joined forces with her daughter and niece to raise funds as a team.

The group have chosen to donate to Ovarian Cancer Australia due to being personally touched by the disease.

“My mother-in-law died of ovarian cancer four years ago this month,” Ms Smith said.

“We chose ovarian cancer not just because of her, but because it’s a silent killer.

“Once you know you’ve got it, you’ve got three to five years, so research is what we need.”

Ms Smith has convinced her mum, Elisabeth de Koke, to join the campaign and her husband, David, has also decided to join the family fundraising effort.

As a team, The Smiths are aiming to raise $5000 by the end of July.

It is the second time Fiona Telfer has signed up for Dry July, with her first effort back in 2015.

A recent health kick inspired Ms Telfer to sign up and raise funds for the Dry July Foundation.

Ms Telfer recently returned from a real estate conference with her South East Property Sales team where personal wellness was highlighted.

“We abuse our bodies and feed it all the wrong fuels and stuff,” Ms Telfer said.

“So I thought, I’m going to get myself in order because I’ve got ailments.

“I’m doing this diet which is zero sugar and going dry for a month.

“It all helps with longevity, clearer thinking and better sleep.”

Ms Smith has also chosen to go sugar-free as part of her campaign and said the middle of the year was a really good time to do a health reset.

The challenges will be different for the pair as Ms Smith is generally a social drinker during parties and celebrations while Ms Telfer enjoys a drink most nights.

If a special occasion arises during the month, they have the option to purchase a Golden Ticket for $25 which will give them a night off their challenge.

Visit dryjuly.com and search for Selena Smith or Fiona Telfer to make a donation or look out for fundraisers supporting their efforts.

Funds raised during Dry July provide invaluable services for cancer patients, their families and carers.