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Surprise visit from old man emu

Junior primary students currently studying native animals were treated to a surprise visit from a mob of curious emus last week. Newbery Park Primary School...

History group continues name search

Julie Puddy and Mike Foran (far right) are named on the back of this photo from the South East Family HIstory Group (SEFHG) collection...

Spotlight on wellbeing expo

Last Friday's Limestone Coast Regional Wellbeing Expo held in Millicent proved popular with an estimated 200 people attending the event. The yoga and meditations classes...

Final service for church by the sea

Worshippers from several denominations joined with Beachport Uniting Church parishioners on Sunday for the final service to be held at the site. Also known as...

Recording stories of fateful day

Local author, Moira Neagle, has embarked on an ambitious project to record the events of Ash Wednesday in the South East. When recently searching events...

Budget submissions closing

Community feedback for Wattle Range Council's 2024/25 draft annual business plan closes this Friday at 5pm. Written submissions marked ‘2024/2025 draft annual business plan’ can...

Yarns and yodels at Brad Cox

BRAD Cox finished up his 'Yarns and Yodels' regional tour in Mount Gambier/Berrin on Sunday night. Supported by Bud Rokesky at the Sir Robert...

Naracoorte basketball results

U/10 BOYS Green defeated Yellow 14 to 11. Green point scorers – Harper Willson 6, Eddie Bennier 4, Jack Walter 2, Will James 2. Best...

Fulwood debut single

MOUNT Gambier/Berrin singer and songwriter Lilli Fulwood has released her debut single Nostalgia. The triple-layer song reflects on Ms Fulwood’s love for the iconic 1980’s...

Tatiara concerned for wild dog control

THE Tatiara District Council has expressed concerns regarding the Victorian State Government's decision to stop wild dog control northwest of Victoria. The dingo unprotection order...

Petition launched for saleyard funding

USERS of the Mount Gambier and District Saleyards kicked off an online petition to further fund the transformation project. It comes mere weeks after...

Being a tourist in our own hometown

It was a case of previously not having been there, not having done that, or at least in recent times for Naracoorte Men's Probus...

Local member makes point about mental health

MEMBER for MacKillop Nick McBride has highlighted the work of a local counselling service. During parliament last week, Mr McBride spoke on the importance of...