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Defibrillator grants open

A NEW state government grant program aiming to help community and sporting organisations purchase automated external defibrillators (AED). AEDs are portable electronic medical devices which...

Preserving pieces of Millicent’s past

Pieces from Millicent’s iconic shell garden have been retrieved by members of the local branch of the National Trust and given a new home...

New regional precinct helps mend bushfire damage

KINGSTON SE’s Keilira Precinct development was officially opened to the public this month, four years after the devastating Black Summer bushfires tore through the...

Robe Hotel reveals renovated venue

Robe Hotel will unveil their now fully renovated beer garden, bistro and sports bar with a special locals event this weekend. The major renovation...

Author visits Limestone Coast

Best Selling Australian author Victoria Purman will again be visiting the Limestone Coast for the tour of her latest book The Radio Hour. Ms...

Robe student wins prestigious scholarship

A KEEN university student from Robe has received the prestigious Playford Trust Honours Scholarship as a part of the Trust’s annual awards night last...

What’s on at the Mount Gambier Library

Mother’s Day Craft Saturday, May 11, 9am to 1pm Sunday, May 12, 10am to 2pm Decorate a special keyring to take home for your mum or someone...

Feeding the litterbug dragon

Can you help name any of these former Tantanoola Primary School students who are feeding litter to a garbage eating dragon? None of the students...

Community call to check cupboards

The call has gone out for Millicent Show memorabilia anyone may have either proudly on display or hiding away in a cupboard. Memorabilia is being...

Blue’s legacy lives on

In the lead up to ANZAC Day hand-made felt poppies were available to purchase from the Millicent Veterinary Clinic for a gold coin donation. The...

Cooking to beat the cost of living

Community volunteers, and Unity Housing employees and tenants joined together for a special Neighbour Day event hosted at the Millicent High School last Wednesday. Volunteers...

Library opens for Devonshire tea’s

An artwork recently exhibited at the Millicent Gallery has been donated to the Biggest Morning Tea event being hosted at the library next week. Artist...

MacKillop road works in dire need

ROADS within MacKillop could take 66 years to be completely fixed under the current road maintenance program, according to Member for MacKillop Nick McBride. Mr...

Pools fees to go up

CFS groups split