Millicent remembers

IN HONOUR: Neil and Christine Grant attended Saturday's Remembrance Day ceremony to show their respects.

Caroline Hammat

150 people gathered at Millicent’s Cross of Sacrifice on Saturday, November 11th for Remembrance Day to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty.

Speakers included President of the Millicent RSL, Chris Mathias, Wattle Range Council Mayor Des Noll and honorary chaplain Paul Hales who led the prayer.

Bagpipe player Andrew Cruickshanks, from the Mount Gambier Blue Lake Highland Pipe band performed during the ceremony.

A bugle sounded the Last Post and a minute’s silence was observed at 11am followed by the raising of the half mast flags.

Among those in attendance to pay their respects were Neil and Christine Grant.

The couple met when they were both enrolled in the army with Ms Grant a member of the Women’s Royal Australian Army Corps (WRAAC).

It was a time she enjoyed immensely and recalls being the “best time of my life.”

During the couple’s romance Mr Grant was sent to Maralinga where he recalled writing letters daily to his sweetheart.

Ms Grant remembered the little cartoons he would draw on every envelope for her before posting it.

As the ending to Ms Grant’s three year service with WRAAC neared the couple planned to marry.

Wedding plans were soon delayed when Mr Grant was with the first Australian troops to go to Vietnam as part of the 1RAR (Royal Australian Regiment) in 1965.

Wreaths were laid by Millicent RSL sub branch, Tony Pasin, Millicent Legacy, Mayor Des Noll, Wattle Range Lioness Club, Millicent High School, St Anthony’s, Millicent Lions Club, SA Ambulance Service, Millicent North and Newbery Park and Mount Burr primary schools and McArthur Park and Millicent North Kindergartens.