Furner concert funds Hover Jack

SUPPORT SHOWN: Auxiliary members, Simone Berry, Annie Bell, Maryanne Stuckey, Annette Oakley and Anne Bateman get to see how the Hover Jack is used by registered nurse Caroline Dower.

It has been 16 months since the Wattle Range Hospital Auxiliary (WRHA) hosted the successful Fanny Lumsden Country Halls Tour concert in Furner.

More than 150 tickets were sold to the national touring event which was part of the WRHA fundraising efforts to purchase a HoverJack patient lift for the Millicent Hospital.

WRHA member Toni McGrath said the community support was fantastic with generous sponsorship and the Furner Hall was full.

“We provided food and a bar was manned by the Furner Club,” she said.

“It was a very pleasant Sunday afternoon and everyone really enjoyed the concert.”

Through catering and sponsorship the group were able to reach their fundraising goal of $10,000 and approached executive officer and director of nursing at the hospital, Michelle DeWit, to order the equipment.

After ordering the HoverJack, there was a long delay in waiting for delivery which took place earlier this year.

The equipment, which can be inflated to various heights, allows nursing staff to lift people safely to either a bed or stretcher.

Millicent Hospital has used the HoverJack several times since gaining access and a demonstration of the machine was given at the annual regional auxiliary gathering held at the hospital in May.

The HoverJack adds to the list of items purchased for the hospital by the group including an ophthalmoscope, otoscope, emergency trolleys, water filters for the hospital and Sheoak Lodge, and point of care urinalysis test.