Social Sunday

RUNNERS-UP: Wayne Ross and Jan Buhlmann.

THE Millicent Bowls Club enjoyed a solid turnout of 26 players for its fortnightly Sunday Social Bowls afternoon in a 2-4-2 format.

Because of the numbers, one rink was made up of a triple, where the lead and second played three bowls straight and the skipper plays two bowls per end.

The full competition was played over 16 ends.

The winning team consisted of Mary Clifford and Kym Stewart, with a score of 34+29, ahead of Jan Buhlmann and Wayne Ross, with 30+14.

Other winning teams: Chris Earl/Carl Schapel 20+8; Denis Clifford/Jim Campbell 29+7; Ian Michell/Brian Goode/Andre Reinders 29+1; Joy Warren/Sarah Ross 28+1.